PrO-Research Microtube Centrifuge
Speeds from 500 to 15,000 rpm
Max RCF 22,000 x g
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810
Speeds from 200 to 14,000 rpm
Max RCF 20,913 x g
Spin Coat
To be updated
Harrick Plasma cleaner
Expanded Plasma Cleaner (PDC-002) used for nanoscale surface cleaning and surface activation
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Dynaflow Fume Hood
Biological Safety Cabinet
Safemate ECO Class II Biological Safety Cabinet
Tuttnauer Autoclave
Tuttnauer 5075EL-D Benchtop autoclave
Laboratory Oven
Thermoline Scientific
Provides controlled temperature environment for testing, annealling, or thermosetting of materials.
Novascan PSD Digital UV Ozone system
Novascan's Ultraviolet UV Ozone Cleaners are used to UV clean surfaces such as glass and silicon at an atomic level. It can also be used to improve the surface wettability, UV clean AFM probes / tips, UV Clean SEM & TEM samples, UV polymer activation, assembly / bonding of PDMS / glass microfluidic devices, UV clean glass and a host of other UV Ozone cleaning and oxidation applications.