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Charitha M de Silva

 Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia


 Expertise: Wall-bounded flows, turbulent structure, microfluidics/biofluids and advanced flow diagnostics (particle image velocimetry)

 Field of Research: Mechanical Engineering, Turbulent flows, Advanced flow diagnostics, Flow control, Microfluidics, Lab-on-chip devices, Biofluids


Dr de Silva collaborates with a number of active researchers from the University of Melbourne (Melbourne Fluids Group), University of Sydney, University of Adelaide and RMIT. Internationally he has joint research projects and/or publications with leading world-class experts in fluid dynamics and multiple institutions from Germany, Netherlands, USA, Norway, and England.

Journal Articles

Gunasekera S; Ng O; Thomas S; Varcoe R; de Silva C; Barber T, 2020, 'Tomographic PIV analysis of physiological flow conditions in a patient-specific arteriovenous fistula', Experiments in Fluids, vol. 61,


Yue Y; Wang S; Bahl P; De Silva C; Shen Y, 2020, 'Experimental Investigation of Spout Deflection in a Rectangular Spouted Bed by the PIV Method', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 59, pp. 13810 - 13819,


Chen X; Bahl P; De Silva C; Heslop D; Doolan C; Lim S; MacIntyre CR, 2020, 'Systematic Review and Evaluation of Mathematical Attack Models of Human Inhalational Anthrax for Supporting Public Health Decision Making and Response', Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, vol. 35, pp. 412 - 419,


Bahl P; Doolan C; de Silva C; Chughtai AA; Bourouiba L; MacIntyre CR, 2020, 'Airborne or droplet precautions for health workers treating COVID-19?', J Infect Dis,


Manovski P; Jones MB; Henbest SM; Xue Y; Giacobello M; de Silva C, 2020, 'Boundary layer measurements over a body of revolution using long-distance particle image velocimetry', Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, vol. 83, pp. 108591 - 108591


Bahl P; de Silva CM; Chughtai AA; MacIntyre CR; Doolan C, 2020, 'An experimental framework to capture the flow dynamics of droplets expelled by a sneeze', Experiments in Fluids, vol. 61,


Heisel M; De Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Guala M, 2020, 'On the mixing length eddies and logarithmic mean velocity profile in wall turbulence', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 887,


Eich F; De Silva CM; Marusic I; Kähler CJ, 2020, 'Towards an improved spatial representation of a boundary layer from the attached eddy model', Physical Review Fluids, vol. 5,


Bahl P; Bhattacharjee S; De Silva C; Chughtai AA; Doolan C; Macintyre CR, 2020, 'Face coverings and mask to minimise droplet dispersion and aerosolisation: A video case study', Thorax, vol. 75, pp. 1024 - 1025,


Akbaridoust F; De Silva CM; Szydzik C; Mitchell A; Marusic I; Nesbitt WS, 2020, 'Experimental fluid dynamics characterization of a novel micropump-mixer', Biomicrofluidics, vol. 14,


Bahl P; de Silva C; Bhattacharjee S; Stone H; Doolan C; Chughtai AA; MacIntyre CR, 2020, 'Droplets and Aerosols generated by singing and the risk of COVID-19 for choirs.', Clin Infect Dis,


de Silva CM; Chandran D; Baidya R; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2020, 'Periodicity of large-scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers', Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, vol. 83, pp. 108575 - 108575


Yang J; Rao L; Zhang Y; de Silva C; Kook S, 2020, 'Flame image velocimetry analysis of reacting jet flow fields with a variation of injection pressure in a small-bore diesel engine', International Journal of Engine Research, pp. 146808742096061 - 146808742096061,


Li M; De Silva CM; Rouhi A; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2019, 'Recovery of wall-shear stress to equilibrium flow conditions after a rough-to-smooth step change in turbulent boundary layers', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 872, pp. 472 - 491,


MacIntyre CR; Das A; Chen X; de Silva C; Doolan C, 2019, 'Evidence of long-distance aerial convection of variola virus and implications for disease control', Viruses, vol. 12, pp. 33 - 33,


Szydzik C; Brazilek RJ; Akbaridoust F; De Silva C; Moon M; Marusic I; Ooi ASH; Nandurkar HH; Hamilton JR; Mitchell A; Nesbitt WS, 2019, 'Active micropump-mixer for rapid antiplatelet drug screening in whole blood', Analytical Chemistry, vol. 91, pp. 10830 - 10839,


de Silva CM; Grayson K; Scharnowski S; Kähler CJ; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2018, 'Towards fully-resolved PIV measurements in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers with DSLR cameras', J Vis., vol. 21, pp. 1 - 11,


Grayson K; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2018, 'Impact of mismatched and misaligned laser light sheet profiles on PIV performance', Exp. Fluids, vol. 59, pp. 2 - 2,


de Silva CM; Kevin K; Baidya R; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2018, 'Large coherence of spanwise velocity in turbulent boundary layers', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 847, pp. 161–185 - 161–185,


Grayson K; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2017, 'Beam stability and warm-up effects of Nd:YAG lasers used in Particle Image Velocimetry', Meas. Sci. Tech., vol. 28, pp. 065301 - 065301,


Krug D; Yang XIA; de Silva CM; Ostilla-Mónico R; Verzicco R; Marusic I; Lohse D, 2017, 'Statistics of turbulence in the energy-containing range of Taylor Couette compared to canonical wall-bounded flows', J. Fluid Mech, vol. 830, pp. 797–819 - 797–819,


de Silva CM; Philip J; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2017, 'Interfaces of uniform momentum zones in turbulent boundary layers', J. Fluid Mech., vol. 820, pp. 451–478 - 451–478,


Scharnowski S; Grayson K; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Kähler CJ, 2017, 'Generalization of the PIV loss-of-correlation formula introduced by Keane and Adrian', Exp. Fluids, vol. 58, pp. 150 - 150,


de Silva CM; Krug D; Lohse D; Marusic I, 2017, 'Universality of the energy-containing structures in wall-bounded turbulence', J. Fluid Mech., vol. 823, pp. 498 - 510,


de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2016, 'Uniform momentum zones in turbulent boundary layers', J. Fluid Mech., vol. 786, pp. 309 - 331,


de Silva CM; Woodcock JD; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2016, 'Influence of spatial exclusion on the statistical behavior of attached eddies', Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 1, pp. 022401 - 022401,


de Silva CM; Marusic I; Woodcock JD; Meneveau C, 2015, 'Scaling of second-and higher-order structure functions in turbulent boundary layers', J. Fluid Mech., vol. 769, pp. 654 - 686,


Philip J; Meneveau C; de Silva CM; Marusic I, 2014, 'Multiscale analysis of fluxes at the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in high Reynolds number boundary layers', Phys. Fluids, vol. 26, pp. 015105 - 015105,


Kwon JP; Philip J; de Silva CM; Hutchins N, 2014, 'The quiescent core of turbulent channel flow', J. Fluid Mech., vol. 751, pp. 228 - 254,


Chauhan K; Philip J; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2014, 'The Turbulent/Non-turbulent Interface and Entrainment in a Boundary Layer', J. Fluid Mech., vol. 742, pp. 119 - 151,


de Silva CM; Gnanamanickam EP; Atkinson C; Buchmann NA; Hutchins N; Soria J; Marusic I, 2014, 'High spatial range velocity measurements in a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer', Phys. Fluids, vol. 26, pp. 025117 - 025117,


de Silva CM; Baidya R; Marusic I, 2013, 'Enhancing Tomo-PIV reconstruction quality by reducing ghost particles', Meas. Sci. Tech., vol. 24,


de Silva CM; Philip J; Chauhan K; Meneveau C; Marusic I, 2013, 'Multiscale Geometry and Scaling of the Turbulent-Nonturbulent Interface in High Reynolds Number Boundary Layers', Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 111, pp. 044501 - 044501,


de Silva CM; Philip J; Marusic I, 2013, 'Minimization of divergence error in volumetric velocity measurements and implications for turbulence statistics', Experiments in Fluids, vol. 54, pp. 1 - 17,


de Silva CM; Baidya R; Khashehchi M; Marusic I, 2012, 'Assessment of tomographic PIV in wall-bounded turbulence using direct numerical simulation data', Exp. Fluids, vol. 52, pp. 425 - 440,


de Silva CM; Azmi MN; Christie T; Abou-Saba E; Ooi A, 2011, 'Computational flow modelling of Formula-SAE sidepods for optimum radiator heat management', J. Eng. Sci. Technol., vol. 6, pp. 94 - 108


Journal articles
Conference Papers

Conference Papers

Yang J; Rao L; Zhang Y; de Silva CM; Kook S, 2020, 'Flame image velocimetry for in-flame flow field analysis in an optically accessible diesel engine', in Australian Combustion Symposium 2019, Adelaide, presented at Australian Combustion Symposium 2019, Adelaide, 01 December 2020


Buchmann NA; Atkinson C; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Soria J, 2020, 'Experimental investigation of the near and far field structure of high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers', in ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference


Buchmann NA; Atkinson C; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Soria J, 2020, 'Experimental investigation of the near and far field structure of high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers', in ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference


Heisel M; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Hong J; Coletti F; Guala M, 2020, 'The active role of streamwise velocity organization in near-surface turbulent phenomena', in 100th American Meteorological Society Boston 2020


Gunasekera S; Ng O; Thomas S; Varcoe R; de Silva C; Barber T, 2019, 'Flow analysis in a patient-specific arteriovenous fistula', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Australian Biomedical Engineering Conference 2019 (ABEC 2019), Melbourne, Australia, 17 November 2019,;dn=981944656686807;res=IELENG


Gunasekera S; Ng O; Thomas S; Varcoe R; de Silva C; Barber T, 2019, 'Towards 3D PIV measurements of a patient-specific arteriovenous fistula', in Alwahabi Z; Medwell P (ed.), 9th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics, Adelaide, Australia, presented at Australian Conference of Laser Diagnostics, Adelaide, Australia, 02 December 2019 - 04 December 2019,


Szydzik C; Brazilek RJ; Akbaridoust F; de Silva C; Moon M; Marusic I; Ooi ASH; Nandurkar HH; Hamilton JR; Mitchell A; Nesbitt WS, 2019, 'Towards An Active Micropump-mixer for Rapid Anti-platelet Drug Screening in Whole Blood', in Micro and Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications 2019, Melbourne, Australia, presented at ANZCOP, Melbourne, Australia, 08 December 2019 - 12 December 2019


Li M; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2019, 'Experimental study of a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer evolving over a rough-to-smooth change in surface condition', in 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2019, Southampton, UK, presented at 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), Southampton, UK, 30 July 2019


de Silva CM; Ruan Z; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2019, 'PIV experiments to examine the manipulation of large-scale structures using cross-flow jets in a turbulent boundary layer', in 13th Int. Symp. Part. Image Vel.


Mogeng ML; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2019, 'Experimental study of a turbulent boundary layer with a rough-to-smooth change in surface conditions at high Reynolds numbers', in Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Turb. Shear Flow Phenom., Southampton, UK, presented at Eleventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), Southampton, UK, 30 July 2019 - 02 August 2019


Ruan Z; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2019, 'PIV experiments to examine the manipulation of large-scale structures using cross-flow jets in a turbulent boundary layer', in 72nd Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn., Munich, Germany, presented at 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry – ISPIV 2019 Munich, Germany, July 22-24, 2019, Munich, Germany, 22 July 2019 - 24 July 2019


Wangsawijaya DD; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2019, 'The instantaneous structure of turbulent boundary layers over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity', in Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Turb. Shear Flow Phenom., Southampton, UK, presented at Eleventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), Southampton, UK, 30 July 2019 - 02 August 2019,


Brazilek RJ; Szydzik C; Akbaridoust F; de SCM; Knoerzer M; Marusic I; Hamilton JR; Mitchell A; Nandurkar HH; Nesbitt WS, 2019, 'A Hemodynamically Controlled Micropump/mixer Applied to Anti-platelet Drug Screening', in Proc. Int. Soc. Thromb. Haemo.


Wang Y; Baidya R; de Silva CM; Fu M; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2019, 'Turbulent Boundary Layer Response to Sinusoidal Spanwise Perturbation', in 72nd Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Li M; de Silva CM; Rouhi A; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2019, 'Towards modelling the downstream development of a turbulent boundary layer following a rough-to-smooth step change in surface condition', in 72nd Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Heisel M; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Guala M, 2019, 'Universality of uniform momentum zones in high-Reynolds-number boundary layers', in 72nd Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Heisel M; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I; Hong J; Coletti F; Guala M, 2019, 'Organization and scaling behavior of turbulent structures in the atmospheric surface layer', in 100th AGU meeting, San Fransisco


de Silva CM; Chandran D; Baidya R; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2018, 'Periodicity of large-scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers', in 21st Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf.


Nugroho B; Baidya R; de Silva CM; Nurrohman MN; Yusim A; Prasetyo FA; Yusuf M; Suastika IK; Utama I; Ganapathisubramani B; Monty JP; Hutchins N, 2018, 'An assessment of skin-friction drag over a recently cleaned ship hull under steady cruising via in-situ laser based measurement', in ICMCF, Melbourne, Florida, United States


de Silva CM; Chandran D; Baidya R; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2018, 'Periodicity of large-scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Akbaridoust F; de Silva CM; Brazilek RJ; Chen X; Tovar-Lopez FJ; Poon E; Ooi A; Mitchell A; Nandurkar H; Nesbitt WS; Marusic I, 2018, 'Examining flow dynamics of platelet function in micro-contractions using micro-PIV', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Wangsawijaya DD; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Secondary flow over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Wangsawijaya DD; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Secondary flow over surfaces with spanwise heterogeneity', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Akbaridoust F; de Silva CM; Brazilek RJ; Chen X; Tovar-Lopez FJ; Poon E; Ooi A; Mitchell A; Nandurkar H; Nesbitt WS; Marusic I, 2018, 'Examining flow dynamics of platelet function in micro-contractions using micro-PIV', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Mogeng ML; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Rouhi A; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Recovery of a turbulent boundary layer following a rough-to-smooth step-change in the wall condition', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Wangsawijaya DD; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Secondary Flow over Surfaces with Spanwise Heterogeneity', in 21st Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf.


de Silva CM; Chandran D; Baidya R; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2018, 'Periodicity of large-scale coherence in turbulent boundary layers', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Mogeng ML; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Rouhi A; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Recovery of a turbulent boundary layer following a rough-to-smooth step-change in the wall condition', in Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018


Wangsawijaya D; De Silva C; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Turbulent boundary layers developing over spanwise heterogeneous surfaces', in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, American Physical Society


Akbaridoust F; de Silva CM; Brazilek RJ; Chen X; Tovar-Lopez FJ; Poon E; Ooi A; Mitchell A; Nandurkar H; Nesbitt WS; Marusic I, 2018, 'Examining flow dynamics of platelet function in micro-contractions using micro-PIV', in 21st Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf.


Mogeng ML; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Rouhi A; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2018, 'Recovery of a turbulent boundary layer following a rough-to-smooth step-change in the wall condition', in 21st Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf.


Baidya R; de Silva CM; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2017, 'Quasi-steady nature of small-scale motions in three-dimensional turbulent boundary layers', in Proc. 16th Europ. Turb Conf.


Baidya R; de Silva CM; Castillo L; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2017, 'The persistence of trip-induced spanwise periodicity in developing turbulent boundary layers', in Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Turbul. Shear Flow Phenom.


de Silva CM; Kevin K; Baidya R; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2017, 'Large coherence of spanwise velocity in turbulent boundary layers', in Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Turb. Shear Flow Phenom.


Berk T; Baidya R; de Silva CM; Marusic I; Hutchins N; Ganapathisubramani B, 2017, 'Trajectory of a synthetic jet issuing into a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer', in 70th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn., Cambridge University Press, pp. 531 - 551


Li M; de Silva CM; Baidya R; Chung D; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2017, 'Downstream development of a turbulent boundary layer following a step change in roughness height: influence of virtual origin', in 70th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


de Silva CM; Grayson K; and Scharnowski S; Kähler CJ; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2017, 'Nested multi-resolution PIV measurements of wall bounded turbulence at high Reynolds numbers', in 12th Int. Symp. Part. Image Vel.


Hearst RJ; de Silva CM; Dogan E; Ganapathisubramani B, 2017, 'Instantaneous structure of a boundary layer subjected to free-stream turbulence', in 70th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


de Silva CM; Philip J; Squire DT; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2016, 'Relating instantaneous structures and mean flow characteristics of turbulent boundary layers', in 69th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Grayson K; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2016, 'Laser light sheet profile and alignment effects on PIV performance', in 18th Int. Symp. on App. Laser Tech. Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 4 - 7


Baidya R; de Silva CM; Huang Y; Castillo L; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2016, 'Developing turbulent boundary layers with spanwise periodic trips', in Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2016


de Silva CM; Philip J; Squire D; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2015, 'Internal shear layers and interfaces in turbulent boundary layers', in 68th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


de Silva CM; Squire DT; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2015, 'Towards capturing large scale coherent structures in boundary layers using particle image velocimetry.', in Proc. 6th Aust. Conf. Laser Diag. Fluid Mech. Comb., University of Melbourne, pp. 1 - 4, University of Melbourne


de Silva CM; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2014, 'Regions of Uniform Streamwise Momentum in Turbulent Boundary Layers', in 19th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf.


Squire DT; de Silva CM; Schultz M; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2014, 'Comparison of the coherent structure of rough and smooth wall turbulent boundary layers at high Reynolds number', in 67th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn., $67^th$ Ann. Meet. of the APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Squire DT; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2014, 'High fidelity spatial measurements at high Reynolds numbers in turbulent boudary layers', in 17th Int. Symp. App. Laser Tech. Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal


de Silva CM; Marusic I; Hutchins N, 2014, 'Uniform momentum zones in turbulent boundary layers - APS talk', in 67th Ann. Meet. of the APS Div. Fluid Dyn., USA, presented at 67th Ann. Meet. of the APS Div. Fluid Dyn., USA, 17 November 2014 - 21 November 2014


Marusic I; de Silva CM; Squire DT; Hutchins N, 2014, 'Comparison of the coherent structure of rough and smooth wall turbulent boundary layers at high Reynolds number', in 4th Int. Conf. Exp. Fluid Mech., $4^th$ Int. Conf. Exp. Fluid Mech.


Squire DT; Morrill-Winter C; de Silva CM; Hutchins N; Marusic I, 2014, 'Well resolved instantaneous profiles in high Reynolds number rough-wall flows', in 17th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, pp. 7 - 10


Meneveau C; de Silva CM; Philip J; Chauhan I, 2013, 'Multiscale geometry, scaling and fluxes at the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in high Reynolds number boundary layers', in 66th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn., AIP, pp. 015105 - 015105


Buchmann NA; Atkinson C; de Silva CM; Gnanamanickam E; Hutchins N; Soria J; Marusic I, 2013, 'Large field of view multi-resolution experimental measurement of the spatial structure of a high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer', in 66th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn., $66^th$ Ann. Meet. of the APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Chauhan K; Baidya R; Talluru K; de Silva CM; Philip J; Marusic I, 2013, 'Turbulent/non-turbulent interface in turbulent boundary layers: scaling and organization', in Workshop on High Reynolds Number Boundary Layer Turbulence, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, USA, Workshop on High Reynolds Number Boundary Layer Turbulence, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, USA


de Silva CM; Atkinson C; Buchmann NA; Gnanamanickam EP; Hutchins N; Soria J; Marusic I, 2013, 'Nested multi-resolution PIV measurements of wall bounded turbulence at high Reynolds numbers', in 10th Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV13, $10^\mathrmth$ Int. Symp. Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV13


Kwon YS; Chauhan K; de Silva CM; Monty JP; Hutchins N, 2012, 'The large-scale wall-to-wall interaction in fully developed turbulent channel flow', in 18th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., APS


de Silva CM; Chauhan K; Atkinson CH; Buchmann NA; Hutchins N; Soria J; Marusic I, 2012, 'Implementation of large scale PIV measurements for wall bounded turbulence at high Reynolds numbers', in 18th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., pp. 3 - 7


Zielinski BS; de Silva CM; Monty JP, 2012, 'A low-cost, single camera stereoscopic video imaging technique for 3D reconstruction of water waves', in 18th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf.


Kwon YS; Chauhan K; de Silva CM; Monty J; Hutchins N, 2012, 'The large-scale wall-to-wall interaction in fully developed turbulent channel flow', in 65th Ann. Meet. APS Div. Fluid Dyn., $65^th$ Ann. Meet. of the APS Div. Fluid Dyn.


Zielinski BS; de Silva CM; Monty JP, 2012, 'A Low-Cost, Single Camera Stereoscopic Video Imaging Technique for time-resolved 3-D', Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, presented at Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 03 December 2012 - 07 December 2012,


de Silva CM; Baidya R; Marusic I, 2012, 'Assesment of Tomographic PIV using experimental and DNS data in turbulent channel flows', in 16th Int. Symp. on App. Laser Tech. Fluid Mech., Lisbon, Portugal


Talluru KM; de Silva CM; Marusic I, 2010, 'New drag balance facility for skin-friction studies in turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds numbers', in 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics InProceedings., $17^th$ Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference., pp. 365 - 368


Theses / Dissertations

de Silva CM, 2014, Large-scale PIV measurements at high Reynolds numbers in wall-bounded turbulence, The University of Melbourne


Theses / Dissertations
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